Bear's Nine Pines Resort is a four seasons FAMILY RESORT on Lake Gogebic in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Here you can find folks fishing for jumbo perch, giant walleye and the feisty smallmouth bass. Click here for Bear's Lake Gogebic Fishing Report and Conditions.
Water sports on the over 13,000 acre Lake Gogebic include tubing, water boarding, skiing, canoeing, kayaking and just cruising. Lake Gogebic is near Bergland, Michigan, Marenisco, Michigan, Wakefield, Michigan, Bessemer, Michigan, Ironwood, Michigan, Hurley, Wisconsin, Ontonagon, Michigan, Silver City, Michigan, Porcupine Mountains, Gogebic County, Iron County, Ontonagon County which is Michigan's largest inland lake located in the far western end of the Upper Click here for Lake Gogebic Snowmobile Trail and Conditions Report.
Winter sports include snowmobiling, snow shoeing, downhill skiing and XC Cross country skiing. Our snowmobile trails and conditions are rated by some as the best in the world. You can link up to 1,000's of miles of groomed snowmobile trails covering numerous states.
We provide 9 comfortable cabins for Snowmobilers, Hunters, Fishermen, Motorcycle Tourers or just a place for families to relax and enjoy quality time together on beautiful Lake Gogebic.
We also offer free wireless internet.

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N 9426 State Hwy M-64
Marenisco MI 49947

Bear and Tricia
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Great Lodging and Fishing at Bear's Nine Pines Resort on Lake Gogebic in the Western U.P. of Michigan
Visit Bear's Nine Pine Resort Lodging on Lake Gogebic Michigan in Ontonagon and Gogebic County Michigan.
Near Bergland, Marenisco, Wakefield, Bessemer, Ironwood, Hurley, Wisconsin, Ontonagon, Silver City, Porcupine Mountain, Gegebic County, Iron County, Ontonagon County, Bear's Nine Pine Resort Lodging is on Lake Gogebic which is Michigan's largest inland lake located in the far western end of the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan. Bear's Nine Pine Resort Lodging on Lake Gogebic is a four-season vacation gem - still
undiscovered by many. Lake Gogebic itself is in two counties and in two time
zones and contains jumbo perch, big walleyes and small mouth bass, great snowmobile and boating.